Sunday, December 29, 2013


Your lives have all been ON HOLD for the last few (or six) months waiting for me to update this blog with updates on the Sheffer family.  I really don't know how you survived. I'm glad you had things like the release of season 3 of "The Walking Dead" and the resurgence of the Bird Flu to distract you.

But do not fear, loyal readers.  I have once again resolved to make a meager attempt to increase bonds of friendship and love by attempting to maintain a little more contact with my friends and family members by posting my weekly project life layouts on this site. Basically what I'm trying to say is that I hope by posting here every week or two we will have something to talk about next time we see each other.

Sample conversation:
YOU:  So, I see by your totally fascinating blog post that your washer broke and the repair man found 2.3 million bobby pins in the pump.
ME:  Totally.  Which explains Elizabeth being shorn bald while she slept.

All kidding aside, I think it should be easier this year as mom and dad purchased me Photoshop Elements for Christmas (actually they slipped me a Franklin and this is what I bought on Amazon... which makes me deliriously happy as I've wanted this program for a while but have been unable to purchase it because of life always happening like paying appliance repairmen. So thanks mom and dad).  I have purchased a few templates which should make things easier to share.

I really am serious when I say I hope this increases bonds of friendship.  I regularly follow several blogs and it really does make me feel closer to the writers.  Plus it is better to read what is happening with them and their families than it is to surf aimlessly on the internet at two in the morning because I can't sleep which is happening a lot lately (thanks Dad... great genetic gift you had to pass on).

So here is the cover sheet for my 2014 project life book. I don't LOVE it but I'm trying to decide why. Last year my color scheme was so much more muted. And I got bored with it. So this year I went bold. And now I'm thinking maybe it is all a little TOO much.  But anyway... here you go.  Of course next week will have PICTURES with it.