School is out... summer is here.... I love summertime. It is always a bit chaotic in ways as the kids are out of school while Darren and I are still working, but we do a great job working together as a family to keep things in control. This next six weeks is bound to be busy as we work to get Emily ready to leave for 18 months. I would elaborate but I'll start crying. HA
Now that I'm caught up on my weekly layouts it's time to tackle my book list that I post on my personal blog ( That is going to take some effort. Love you all Sonja
I don't know why this site is working the way it does. Sometimes when you click on the pictures they enlarge and sometimes they don't. It makes zero sense to me. I don't know why it does it but it is annoying. If anyone knows the trick, let me know!
Happy Memorial Day! We have been busy working in the yard, washing windows, cleaning the garage, and catching up on our "honey-do" lists this weekend. It has been nice to sit down for a minute and catch up on my "project life" pages. This week's layout is for May 4 - May 10th. May is so busy with all the year end programs, recitals, award ceremonies, and events. I don't know why I decided to throw in Elizabeth getting her wisdom teeth on top of it all..... Missing from this week is Elissa and Nathan's piano recital. I didn't even think about it until now. When I do our actual book I will have to throw some of the pictures in. This is what happens when I am playing "catch-up".
I try to post on Sunday for the week before, but this week I have been in password limbo. Due to various warnings from various sites about various viruses, I have changed a lot of my passwords. The problem is I am getting too old to remember them all.... I finally had inspiration today and was able to remember the password for this site. Wouldn't you know it was the one I've had all along? Good grief people.