What a fun, busy week!
Monday Elizabeth left for "Girls State" in Ogden. This is where girls from all over Utah join together to actively learn about the political process. They live in cities (named after past governors) and work together to get their city set up politically. They have town meetings... they campaign... they run for office. They work together to keep their city functioning. The cities are also assigned to counties, and the process is repeated at a County level. They also have State work going on, with those associated offices. They write bills. They have a judicial system. They debate. They work together.
They also have activities focused on increasing their sense of patriotism for our country and respect for our armed forces. It is a great program!
I know Regina went to Girls State, as did I. I think Ashlee went as well but I'm not sure about Kellee.
Emily attended three years ago. Now Elizabeth is our next "Girls State Girl".
Saturday afternoon I drove to Ogden for her graduation ceremony. I picked up Emily in Provo to come with me. I was so glad she could join me for the long ride there.
We had a bit of a problem finding parking and then the building. We walked in about five minutes late... just in time to run into Elizabeth as she was preparing to go in with the Color Guard for the flag. She had heard in the orientation that if you had a white dress you could participate in presenting and posting the flag at graduation. Grandma Taylor worked with her to find her a formal gown that was white. She looked really beautiful and was excited to have that opportunity. I appreciate my family so much and all the support they give.
During the graduating they started announced scholarship winners. Several of the girls from Richfield received one. Elizabeth had not submitted her application before she left so I figured she was not even in the running for them. Wasn't I surprised when they announced a scholarship for four year full tuition and fees from Weber State University and Elizabeth was the winner? I looked at Emily and said, "Did they just call Elizabeth's name?" It was really a fun surprise.
After the graduation we took pictures and headed home. We had planned to stop to go to either a Bee's game or an RSL game but we were just wiped out and headed straight home. Elizabeth took the wheel from Scipio over the mountain to Richfield and she did great. The problem was that I was listening to the soccer game on the radio and would occasionally scream things like NOOOOOOOOOOO!!! and WHHAAATTT ARE YOU THINKING????. Reallly I promise I was yelling at the game but I can see where this would be a little traumatizing if you thought your mother was screaming at you.... hee hee!
During the time Elizabeth was gone we had Nathan's baseball tournament.
They went in as the second place seed. They played Tuesday night and won their game against the Orioles so they got Wednesday night off while the loser bracket played through.
Because Nathan had Wednesday off, I decided to take him and Elissa with me up north. I had meetings Wednesday in SLC. We drove after the game to Provo and stayed the night there. Emily came over and spent the night with us at the hotel. I got up early and continued on to SLC for the day while Emily took the day off and had fun with Nathan and Elissa.
They lounged around for a while and then spent the day at Seven Peaks Water Park. We have those Pass of all Passes you see being promoted everywhere. It was great weather and not very crowded as not all schools are out for the summer yet.
They had a great day. After the water park we ate at the Pizza Pie Cafe for Elissa's birthday. We then went to the mall and shopped shopped shopped. Elissa wanted some new Sunday clothes for church. We found several darling things for her.
Thursday was Elissa's birthday. She is fourteen now! As usual she got to spend her birthday at the ball park! She is a good sport about it all.
Thursday night Nathan's team beat the A's and advanced to the championship Friday night. It was a close game with Nathan having the game of his life. He hit a double to left field... got an RBI.... scored a point... and made several game-changing catches. They did awesome. Nathan LOVES getting on base and is a really awesome base-runner. I found him a Nike shirt that has a baseball diamond on it and says "DIAMOND THIEF". It is totally appropriate as he really helped the team by having such good ball sense and speed as well as being obedient to the signals from his coach. He is number 1 in the picture below.

Friday night they ended up playing the A's again as that team had won their loser bracket game for a chance to play again. It was a double elimination tournament. We ended up beating them even more decisively for the championship.

It was a great season and I'm so proud of Nathan. I'm also grateful to my dad. He worked with Nathan to help him improve his batting. It really was a labor of love and I'm so grateful for his support.
We found out Saturday that Nathan did not make the All-Star team. I was more upset than Nathan was I think.... I'm not saying Nathan was any better than any of the other kids but he definitely was not any worse. He was awesome about it all though, despite his disappointment. He just really wanted it, and we wanted it for him. I really have enjoyed our time at the park and have grown to love the game.
SUPPLIES: Project Life "HONEY" edition