These pages will go in our regular family album, and someday I will likely do another trip album with just these photos. I am really far behind in vacation books but that is okay. Being stressed about not having finished books of the great places we've been blessed to visit sounds just so ridiculous. As E2 would say, "First World Problem".
I've made shutterfly type books for our family trip to Mexico and for our Year of the Mouse but I've only had the Mexico trip printed. I love the thin size but other than that I don't LOVE the books as I love actual paper and layers and inserts and etc. I may order the books for the trips the kids went on with us, and go back and create an actual traditional scrapbook for myself. Considering these trips were in 2009 and 2010/2011 I am getting a bit behind. I haven't done anything with Darren and I's trip to the Carribbean in 2011 and our trip with the kids to the Carribbean in 2013, but I did journal it so at least I have reference material.
Anyway, these pages are very simple, but represent my favorite day of the trip. I couldn't decide which pictures to use so I just created two layouts.
I am proud of myself as I figured out how to get the corners on the 12x12 pictures to be rounded. Who knew it would be so complicated? HAHA. I am learning a bit at a time.