I have explained this before, but even though I make a "digital" version of my scrapbook pages, I do not print these files out or have them printed in a book. I COULD and someday I MIGHT do it this way. Currently, I have each individual picture printed at WalMart and I physically print out the journaling cards and other non-picture cards myself. I slide each into specially sized 12x12 photo pages that are separated into various sizes of "pockets". I do this as I do not like waiting until the end of the year to have a completed book. It surprises me (and gratifies me... and motivates me) how many times I'll find a photo album abandoned in front of the book case upstairs or in my office, which lets me know the kids pull them out and look at the books. This is why it is worth the extra step of putting the pictures/cards into a book that is more "current". Besides the 12x12 pocket pages, you can buy other sizes. They are properly punched to fit into a 12x12 album. I use these as "inserts" to clip into my album. Here is an insert of Juliana's prom experience. It is about 12 x 9 in size and will be clipped in the middle of the March 15-21 weekly spread.
Prom is a BIG DEAL in Richfield. Most of the community attends.
It usually goes like this:
The floor is cleared and the guests take their seats. The boys all walk in as music plays. The music for the last few years has been "Sharp Dressed Man" by Z.Z.Top. Totally cheesy but the guys love it and everyone claps and cheers for them. They usually walk a large circle around the outer perimeter of the arena so people can take their picture from all areas. They then usually split into large circles on the floor. This year there were three circles.
Then, the girls do the same as the guys, first walking in a big circle and then joining their partners. Sometimes their music is "Pretty Woman" by Roy Orbison or sometimes it is the prom song. This year it was a medley of instrumental music I think.
After the girls and their partners are all paired up, they do a dance, usually to their Prom Song. They have learned this over several weeks of dance lessons. For some, this will be the only time in their entire lives that they waltz or formal dance. This year the dance was a little more tricky but it paid off as the kids looked great. The dancers usually waltz and/or move in their respective circles so you can try and get a shot.
After the dance, they kids leave the floor. They line up backstage and are presented in Alphabetical order by the girls last name. If the student is a Junior, the name of their parents is also announced to the community. If they are not a junior, just the students name is announced.
They students being announced walk out together onto the raised stage, do a little twirl, and then walk down the staircase together. They walk to the front of the arena and pause for pictures.
It takes quite a while to go through everyone, especially as they don't have to promenade with another Junior (which was the rule when I was in High School). The prom committee and the Class Studentbody officers are announced last.
Usually, the Prom theme song is sung by one or more of the students. They didn't do that this year. Some years a slideshow of the Junior class is played, but the last few years this has been cut out as it makes Promenade way too long. They didn't do a slideshow this year, either. It has been done probably once in the last four years but before that it was a yearly event. This year they gathered baby pictures of the students and hung them from gold painted trees lining the entrance.
Finally, they announce the Prom Royalty. Richfield High School chooses a King, a Queen, and three attendants for each. Only the Junior Class can vote, and the only people on the ballot are those that actually helped with getting Prom ready.
The theme this year was "Timeless and True". I was a little concerned about the description I'd heard of the decor, as it was supposed to be all "old" stuff like wagon wheels and old wood and etc. But it was brilliant as it was all tied together by the white/gold color scheme and the use of clocks throughout the decor. As I helped with Prom last year, I was really impressed at how much the class this year "re-used" items from previous proms. I recognized our lights, our chandelier, our pillars, our stairs, our stars, etc. The class really did a great job making it look great without spending a fortune, and the two different dances did not look alike AT ALL. After the royalty is announced, they have the traditional parent/grandparent dance. This is where the Juniors dance with their mom/dad/significant adult in their life. After pictures are taken, the parents are kicked out so the kids can enjoy the rest of their evening without the lame-o parents hanging around. Prom is the only thing that this town does that remotely resembles a "coming out". It doesn't serve the same purpose, but it is a presentation of the Junior class to the community. I love it. I am a big advocate of the dance with my only comment being they should do more formal dances. Prom can become over-the-top here with parents spending exorbitant amounts of money on dresses and dates and etc. The reason for this, in my opinion, is because we don't have hardly any formal dances. For some, this may be the only time in their entire lives that they have a chance to "dress up". I feel like if we had more dances, it would take some of the pressure off of Prom. The kids all kinda fight it the whole program and learning the dance and etc... but then they experience the evening and how cool it really is. Then, a few years later they are adults and buy into the tradition and join the other side of the fight...