First BYU football home game today against the Northern Iowa Panthers. We bought tickets for the entire family this year. D and I are hoping to build family memories and unity as we spend this time together. Our first tailgating experience was certainly memorable as we had trouble getting the new grill lit (mainly as I forgot to pack matches). We finally resulted to a borrowed blow-torch. Now THAT is a memory maker. I think we'll carve pumpkins with chainshaws this Halloween just to round out the experience.
After out meal we watched the band march into the stadium then went to the parking lot party to experience all the pre-game excitement. At one booth E3, N, and I won BYU T-Shirts by throwing a football through a hole. We then entered the stadium and enjoyed the band on the field. We went down to the tunnel and watched the players run in. Saw LaVell Edwards leading the pack. Didn't see Fui Vakapuna however so I was disappointed. He could not play this game as he was academically ineligible until yesterday.
It was rewarding watching the kids enjoy the game. I loved when they participated in the BYU fight song. They seemed to enjoy the game although I admit the two gameboys I packed saved the day during the second half. Also some clouds finally moved in which helped with the temperature. Before that we were melting away.
E1 prepared for the game by watching every football movie we own (We are Marshall, Rudy, Remember the Titans). I love her enthusiasm.
Dand Grandpa Glen were the closest in their predictions to the final score which was 41 - 17. Go Cougars!