Friday, February 20, 2009

Burke and Pegs

I love my Uncle Burke and Aunt Peggy. They have supported me throughout my entire life and have helped me understand the value of family. It has been gratifying to see how they have spread their love to my children as well. I don't deserve them.

My gruff Uncle Burke sent E1 a card after State Swim (along with a rather large monetary congratulatory gift....). He told her that he was proud of her. He also said, "Sure glad we didn't unplug you....".

E1 didn't know what he meant.

I did.

It is one of the greatest blessings of my life that my tiny baby girl that had such a rough start in life is so amazingly healthy and happy 14 and a half years later. So grateful....

1 comment:

TLCbull said...

Whoa! Way to go and make me cry. It really doesn't seem like that long ago. She always has been a fighter. Tell Pepper we are proud of her here too.