Sometimes in a story, a character will not know how to read. A mentor will come along and quickly teach the skill to that person (for example Brom teaching Eragon in the book "Eragon"). I admit I've always scoffed at that.... thinking that reading simply cannot be learned in a short amount of time.
Well I've had to rethink my position. N yesterday asked me what the word was that had the letters V.I.P. I asked him why. He proceeded to read the entire Kraft macacaroni and cheese box to me. Apparently Kraft is having a contest where you can win a trip for one VIP and friends to take an all expense paid trip to Hollywood to see Jordan Pruitt. I just stood there with my mouth hanging open.
This is the kid that hasn't passed off his site words and is still on the lowest level of the reading books offered by his teacher. Go figure..... maybe learning to read really can happen quickly. Of course I'm of the opinion that it is a skill that must be perfected and practiced DAILY :)
Holy smokes!! That is fantastic. Good work!
I remember the DAY I learned to read. I was looking at a Dick and Jane book in Mom and Dad's bed. Dad was helping me sound out words. I knew an "A" was an "A" and that it said "ahhh" but I wasn't really reading. Dad kept making me say a bunch of sounds for the alphabet letters, but it didn't make any sense. Then I seriously for real had an A HA! moment when it dawned on me what he was talking about. I remember so vividly thinking "I get it!" I was 4 years old. Like you I believe it is a skill that must be practiced often to be fully mastered, but I also know first hand that on a basic level it can occur in a split second.
Congratulations to N. So does this mean he is going to get "unsatisfactory" on next years report card for reading in class too? We can only hope!
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